Angkor wat area is filled with many temples. Temple like Angkor wat and Bayon are the most important ones but there are other several interesting temples in the area. We spent about 2 days in Angkor wat just concentrating on these temples. In previous posts, I mentioned about Angkor wat and Bayon. The rest of the temples we visited is briefly mentioned below.
These temples can be visited by Tuk Tuk (Similar to auto rickshaw) or rental bike/bicycle. But note that it will be a long ride by bicycle in humid weather!!
Banteay Kdei
This was the first temple we visited after lunch on the first day. The first half of the day was earlier spent at Angkor wat temple. Meaning “Citadel of chambers” this temple was built during the reign of Jayavarman VII. The architecture of this temple is similar to Bayon but much smaller in size.
Ta prohm
This is one of the most visited temple in Angkot wat. The ruins mixed with jungle surroundings has attracts a tourist a lot. The tress growing out of ruins is the highlight of this temple. Archaeological survey of India is working on the restoration of this temple.
Ta Keo
Ta Keo is in the form of temple mountain with five sanitary towers arranged in a quincunx. This gives a gigantic effect to the temple. It is said that the work was stopped in between and hence the lack of decorations in the temple.
Thommanon and Chau Say Tevoda
These are considered as twin temples opposite to each other at Angkor Thom’s east gate. Considered as small temples according to Angkor standards, these are dedicated to Shiva and Vishnu.
Located near Bayon temple, it is a three tier temple mountain. Tanu was not allowed to enter inside as the steps leading to the top of the temple was steep. The temple provides a nice view of the surroundings.
A small temple near Baphoun, it is in the shape of three tier pyramid. It was also known as Palace temple.
Elephant terrace
The terrace was used as viewing stand for public ceremonies. It is named so because of the statue of the elephants.
Leper King terrace
Little further from Elephant terrance is leper king terrace that depicts Yama, god of death.
Preah Khan
Little away from Angkor them complex lies a group of temples, Preach Khan being first among them. Very little restoration is done for this temple. The clouds opened up as we started looking at the temple.
Neak Pean
This temple is situated in an island. While the temple itself is very small and simple, the walk along the lake makes this temple significant. The walk would have been uneventful but for a bee that decided to follow us. It did not bite but create panic for Chaya and Tanu.
Ta Som
East of Neak Pean is Ta Som, built by Jayavarman VII dedicated to his father.
East Mebon
A 10th century temple, it has to enclosing walls and three tiers. From the upper level of the temple, the vast expanse of water could be seen.
Pre Roup
This looks like a replica of East Mebon.
Labels: Abroad, Cambodia, Temples, travel