Hogenakkal falls
9 July, 2006
This was the trip I was waiting for a long time. Started from our home at 7:15AM. Since it was Sunday, very less traffic on Bangalore roads, but still took me 1 hour to cross electronics city. The golden quadrilateral stretch till Krishnagiri was superb. After Krishnagiri, it was a two lane highway, but it was in a good condition barring a couple of kms where there were huge pot holes.

Roads near krishnagiri

From Dharmapuri, we took the deviation to Pennagram. Surprisingly, this state road was in a good shape. After Pennagram, the ghat road begins where we descend to the Kaveri valley. We reached Hogenakkal falls at 11:15AM.
Ghat road after Pennagram
Hogenakkal is a series of waterfalls. But this place is totally commercialized and there were huge crowds. Also, this place is quite filthy with people frying fish, washing clothes, taking oil massage and bathing everywhere.

We took the coracle ride and went to the top of the waterfalls. Since the water level was more, the coracle couldn't go to the bottom of the falls. We crossed to the Karnataka side and walked for a while and then again took the coracle to reach the top of the waterfalls.

The water was in full flow and the falls looked great. The Kaveri river forms the boundary between Karnataka and Tamilnadu. This place is also very near to MM hills and Gopinatham,Veerappan's place is just 13 kms.
Route: Bangalore->Hosur->Krishnagiri->Dhramapuri->Pennagram->Hogenakkal falls
Distance: Bangalore - Hosur : 40kms
Hosur - Krishnagiri : 51 kms
Krishnagiri - Dharmapuri : 42kms
Dharmapuri - Pennagram : 30kms
Pennagram - Hogenakkal falls: 16kms
Labels: boating, travel, Waterfalls