On the next day, I got up early at 6AM and started towards the Kabbe hills. My wife and daughter did not want to get up from their sleep. So, I went alone.

The first 15 minutes was through the houses and estates. Later part of the journey was through the forests and grasslands. As I climbed higher, the views of the surrounding areas became clearer. Shorter, I was at the Kabbe hills. The end of the Jeep track marks the Kabbe hill. The view from the hill was spectacular. The endless stretch of forests at the Kerala side was a scene to watch. The beauty was compounded several times by the hanging clouds. There was a complete silence and I being alone enjoyed the solitude.

I decided to climb an adjacent hill that looked taller as I had ample time at my disposal. But then there was a sudden change in the atmosphere. The entire area was engulfed in mist and the visibility was very less. I did not like the prospect of getting lost in the mist. So, I hastened backwards to reach the Jeep track and then back to the estate. Even if I was late by few minutes to reach the Kabbe hills, I would have missed the panoramic views.